Category Archives: Peace Dividend

It’s Our Money . . . It’s Our Country!

Let me throw out some very basic propositions. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Starting with a question: In a democratic country — government of the people, by the people, for the people — who “owns” the government’s money?

Either money is privately owned (people, companies, corporations, investment banks, etc) or it’s publicly owned.

If through taxes, bonds, borrowing, printing, digital creation, money is deposited in the U.S. Treasury for later disbursement, whose money is it? Who actually OWNS that money before it’s sent on its way to pay the bills?

Yes, Congress has the power and responsibility to decide where the money goes. The President has some discretion about spending money, as long as such disbursements are “legal”, that is, authorized by laws which specify the allocation of said monies and they are not in violation of the Constitution.

But Joe Biden doesn’t own it. Neither does Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConnell or Chuck Schumer. It’s not their money.

Make no mistake about it, our leaders act as if it’s theirs. I mean this in both senses. Sometimes out of some misplaced sense of entitlement and sheer arrogance, these folks do act like the trillions that pass through the U.S. Treasury is their personal slush fund to do as they see fit.

The other is the strictly legal sense. In specific legal terms, government officials, regardless of how highly placed, are only empowered to act as trustees, to direct the disbursement of those funds, with the general understanding that such spending ultimately serves to “promote the general welfare” and to enable the functioning of the government, all of the foregoing ON BEHALF OF THE CITIZENRY.

In neither case, however, is the money actually theirs. As when we deposit money in a bank, the bank may have physical possession of it — whatever that means in a world of digital transactions and bookkeeping — but it’s still our money.

So who owns the money the government at any given time has in its coffers?

We could ask a similar question about public property and infrastructure. This might offer some guidance. Who owns the interstate highway system? Who owns the roads, ramps, bridges?

Yes, the obvious answer is the government. But as a democracy, as active participants in a system of self-government, aren’t WE the government?

I think there’s a common but valid and useful understanding which we should insist on here.

Acknowledging that some have asserted via The Act of 1871 there has been a corporate framework, a legal entity — a legalistic sham — set up to accommodate the necessity of our federal government machinery having status and standing in the vast economic environs which we call domestically the national economy, which then participates in the vaster economic environment known as the world economy, I still think the best understanding of “ownership” when it comes to the commons is that WE THE PEOPLE collectively own the physical and financial assets of the United States of America. The CITIZENS. Not those charged with representing the needs, wants and priorities of the citizens, not those doing what needs to be done to realize in real terms what we democratically decide needs to be done — i.e. the Pelosis, McConnells, and Bidens in positions of power. It is WE THE PEOPLE who confer to them the power to act on our behalf, to protect, develop, expand those assets, ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE, serving our interests individually and collectively. That assignment of power is not without conditions; assumes transparency and full accountability; is not permanent in the sense that officials of government are not permanent fixtures (bureaucrats tend to be more enduring but certainly elected officials have fixed terms of service); can be withdrawn or withheld, though admittedly this is a cumbersome process; is not unlimited but reflects constitutional as well as statutory limitations, and whatever limits WE THE PEOPLE decide to impose.

It is WE THE PEOPLE who have original and overriding control — ownership? — of what passes through the Treasury and where that money goes. After all, it is OUR tax dollars which are collected and pooled to fund the government, it is in OUR name that bonds are floated and it is us who are directly obligated to repay at some future time the money borrowed to fund the government. It seems reasonable to conclude that until that money is disbursed for whatever reason and is on its way to creditors or the states or government contractors or paid as salaried to federal employees or sent to anyone who has a legitimate claim for payment, the money which is in the vaults and accounts of OUR government is OURS.

In an important sense, that money is collectivized, is subject to joint and collective ownership, before it is collected, as it’s collected, when it’s collected and finally sitting in the bank.

This applies to infrastructure and physical assets as well. Granted, we individually have no right to claim a chunk of asphalt from an interstate highway or one of the fingers from the statue of Abraham Lincoln overlooking the Capitol Mall. We collectively own such items and consent to leave it in trust so that we collectively can enjoy our common property, whatever its agreed purpose.

Why would we look at the hard cold cash inside the Treasury vaults or Fort Knox any differently?

On occasion we do, but we merely hint at the idea that it’s “our money”. Usually as submissive supplicants, grateful for some token generosity by our elected officials. For example, with the lockdowns, shutdowns, and shutouts incurred by the overreaction to the Covid-19 “pandemic”, it was decided by THOSE WE SENT TO WASHINGTON DC TO REPRESENT OUR INTERESTS — not by them as kings or princesses or queens or Führers — that we would get some Covid-19 relief checks. They were paltry but an example of WE THE PEOPLE benefitting individually as citizens, members of the collective whole, by having some of OUR MONEY SENT BACK TO US from the pool of collectively-owned money in the Treasury, in order to help us through the crisis.

What is my point?

Citizens cower before the federal government. Yes, it’s an awesome and frightening institution. It is massive in size and an imposing, all-encompassing presence in every aspect of our lives. And around the world. The overwhelming temptation is to see it 1) as some frightening, unapproachable, all-powerful, omnipotent behemoth, and 2) as an adversary, a separate entity, a force to be reckoned with.

It is not necessarily either. It’s only humbling, intimidating, incapacitating, oppressive, tyrannical, if we view it that way. To consider our government, at least within the theoretical framework of even our highly-compromised democracy, as “them” and we citizens as “us” is a self-fulfilling, self-sabotaging prophecy and a guarantee that those we do assign stewardship of our public affairs to, most certainly WILL misuse their power, WILL abuse us, WILL act like they “own it”, and DO A LOT OF THINGS which are contrary to our interests, if not ultimately destructive to the historic promise made to the world with the founding of our experiment in “self-rule”.

Does this sound like I’m talking some abstract principle? The stuff of academic or high-sounding rhetoric but not of the real world?

In practice, the impact of ignoring this idea is far from abstract. There are many very severe real world consequences.

Our timidity and imagined powerlessness has created the monster the federal government has become. Our accepting the false narrative of a two-party system has all but destroyed democracy. Our letting our leaders feed us lies without retribution, in fact our REWARDING our leaders for misleading and abusing us, is putting nails in our own coffins. Our letting the DOD use us as an ATM machine for endless wars and shopping sprees is bankrupting the country. Our sitting by idly while the Fed prints trillions of dollars and feeds it directly into accounts of the already appallingly rich, our accepting and swallowing the idiotic fairy tales of Make America Great Again and Build Back Better when these phony grand visions are just more vehicles for the strip mining of our economy and the destruction of the middle class, is immersing us in crippling delusions and willful ignorance. Our electing officials who enable and incentivize the ruin of our industrial and manufacturing base, and subsidize the export of good jobs is hiring criminals to rob us. Our willful ignorance about the havoc the U.S. wreaks around the world, creating the immigrant crisis we now face is poisoning us with racist nonsense and blinding us to the class war being waged on us. These and many more habits of laziness, cowardice, and neglect are coming home to roost. The mess we see ourselves in right now with the meltdown of the economy, the health crises (and there are many more beyond Covid-19), and the coming major conflicts with Russia and China, are just previews of coming attractions. This is not going to end well for ‘we the people’.

It’s our money.

It’s our country.

We better start acting like it.


Why are we doing this? What is the point? That’s very easy to answer . . .
To end the horror the U.S. has been promoting across the planet!

The cruel reality is this is only a partial summary and the death toll is considerably higher.
It’s up to us . . . because the power-drunk, war-crazed imperialists now in charge will never slow down, much less end their agenda of death and destruction.
Please volunteer to help us stop this madness!


Join us in making the world safer and more peaceful.

What is the Peace Dividend strategy?

The Peace Dividend strategy is a practical plan for achieving a very specific goal. That goal is regime change in Washington DC, i.e. replacing the pro-war, pro-Wall Street, anti-democratic, power-drunk megalomaniacs now in control, with individuals who reflect the real values and priorities of real people living real lives. It’s about getting rid of the lapdogs and liars and electing honest individuals who will answer to and serve the people who put them in office. 

Until WE THE PEOPLE seize power from those who now commandeer the machinery for setting foreign policy, who shape our military priorities and agenda, who view themselves as the indispensable, infallible rulers of the planet, until WE THE PEOPLE are able to decide the direction of our country, create a legal and economic framework which serves all of the people, not just the rich and powerful, the U.S. will continue to bully other countries, topple governments, kill innocent people for geopolitical advantage, create conflict and chaos, inflict untold misery and suffering on everyone on the planet (including increasingly its own citizens), and provoke Russia and China into a major, possibly human life-ending conflict. The rich will just get richer and our best and finest will be sent into battle to protect their portfolios.

Thus, the Peace Dividend strategy is about seizing power, putting it into the hands of a democratically-empowered citizenry, reversing the disastrous trajectory of our foreign policy and aggressive pursuit of world domination, and looking for peaceful solutions the challenges facing the world in these challenging, tumultuous times.

To lay a foundation for citizen participation and activism, the Peace Dividend strategy focuses on the abuse of political and military power from 1992 to the present. This time frame is chosen for a very specific reason. To achieve its stated goal, the Peace Dividend strategy lays out a carefully constructed but entirely truthful message which the general public, or at least 150-200 million of them, can grasp, appreciate, and embrace. The message is the impetus for very simple and achievable action.

Why take this approach?

Most peace messaging unfortunately is too abstract, too broad, too philosophical. It might seem noble and inspiring to those already in the peace movement, good folks dedicated to achieving a world without war. But to everyday citizens who are bogged down and preoccupied with the more practical pursuits of survival, raising a family, holding down a job, making it from one paycheck to the next, most of the appeals currently wielded by peace activists sound like hippie slogans and pie-in-the-sky pining. Often such activists are viewed as misfits who are out of touch with reality.

The reason is obvious. People can’t feel much empathy for cholera victims in Yemen or refugees in Syria, when members of their immediate family are suffering. Everyday folks can’t pay attention to our aggressions in the South China Sea and Russia’s borders, when they need to pay attention to keeping a job and food on the table.

The approach of the Peace Dividend strategy is simple: Just tell the truth! Tell the truth about our endless wars and bloated DOD budgets! Expose the whole “defense industry” game for what it is: an enormous con, a rip-off, a massive fraud perpetrated on the American citizenry. The Afghanistan War was based on lies. The Iraq War was based on lies. Destroying Libya was based on lies. Attacking Syria was based on lies. The need to upgrade our nuclear weapons is a lie. The need for a Space Force is a lie. The need to go to war with Russia is a lie. The need to go to war with China is a lie. It goes on and on. Trillions and trillions of dollars wasted! Manufactured crises. Manufactured consent.

And then crucially, we connect all this fraud and waste to the rough times people are going through . . .


People should be very angry. When they see what’s really happening, THEY WILL BE VERY ANGRY! Trillions of our taxpayer dollars have gone up in smoke. OUR MONEY has been squandered and our future mortgaged. The facts don’t lie. It’s even on the nightly news now! How $2.3 trillion was wasted in a 20-year war in Afghanistan, which to rub salt in our wounds WE LOST!

The Peace Dividend strategy doesn’t stop there. The war criminals and their puppets in Congress and the White House have stolen our money.

We want it back!

We want back at least some of the trillions taken from us as good, decent citizens under false pretenses, then used to fight unnecessary wars and buy military junk we never needed. Money which just ends up in the coffers of the defense industry, and ultimately in the bank accounts of wealthy investors who profit from the never-ending wars. It’s a pipeline right from the pocketbooks of everyday citizens and their meager family budgets, to the already incomprehensibly rich.


The Peace Dividend refund currently totals $20,544 for each and every living U.S. citizen.

That’s over $82,000 for a family of four. Everybody gets the same amount. Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos get the same as you and your 10-year-old kid, your grandma and the guy who picks up your trash.

And if you don’t think we can afford this, stop right there. See Paying For The Peace Dividend.

Understand something . . .

This is not helicopter money. It’s not UBI. It’s not socialism.


It’s everyday citizens getting back money which NEVER should have been taken from them in the first place, and putting that money back in their bank accounts where it belongs.

Our case is clear and our logic unassailable. The public for the past 30 years have been victims of the greatest rip-off in the history of the world!

Another way to look at this:  We are demanding “war reparations” in the form of a Peace Dividend Refund, for the war the power-drunk, war-crazed lunatics have been waging, not just on our alleged enemies, but on us, our families, our communities, our schools.


Will our establishment politicians, now in the pockets of defense industry and Wall Street, beholden to the imperial fantasies of the neocon fanatics, go along with this?

Probably not. THAT’S THE POINT OF THIS STRATEGY. If they can’t serve the people, send them packing. They are fabulously talented. They can become an Amway distributor or a greeter at Walmart. Their phony smiles are perfect for any number of job opportunities.

Then again, maybe a few of the establishment politicians will come around. That’s fine. They have a choice: But either they commit in writing with the Peace Dividend candidate contract, to GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK or . . . we don’t vote for them. We vote for someone who will. Then we’ll get a government that works for all of us and Walmart or Target will get a bubbly employee at the front entrance, just in time for Black Friday.

Is such an ultimatum really necessary?

YES! It’s come to this. The reason is simple. The war machine will continue to accelerate until we stop it.

However, there’s hope. There’s a very proven method for stopping our out-of-control government from further squandering. It’s a proven method! Works every time . . .

Empty the vault! No money. No money for military expansion. No money. No money for imperial wars.

This is exactly what the conservatives have done to us for years, only we’re turning the tables. THEY spend all the money on war and military. “Oh gosh, folks. We ran out of money. Sorry. We have to cut social programs. And there’s nothing now to fix our infrastructure.”

Ah hah! We see how this works. So we do exactly the same thing to them. THE REFUND (now we’re getting to the real reason for such an outrageous, drastic approach) EMPTIES THE VAULT. Refund $6.832 trillion to THE PEOPLE. No money for war. “Oh gosh, warmongers. We ran out of money. Sorry. You’ll have to close the bases. Start with Guantanamo and Okinawa. And we’ll have to cancel all that silly militarization of outer space. And the upgrading our nuclear weapons? Out of the question. Building more ships and tanks and missiles. FUHGEDDABOUDIT!

Do you folks get this? This is so obvious. This could work!

But instead we flounder around talking about trimming this and trimming that. SCREW THE TRIMMING! Get people angry! Show them the LIES! The outrageous waste and fraud. Get people to DEMAND THEIR PEACE DIVIDEND REFUND … $20,544 for every single citizen! Spend the money on THE PEOPLE! No money for war!

How can the people get the power back?

How can we get our military, our economy, our government back on track?


If we get a veto-proof majority in the House and the Senate, and these newly elected representatives go to DC and pass the Peace Dividend legislation, EVERYTHING CHANGES! Just sit back with a glass of your favorite evening comfort drink and think about it. EVERYTHING CHANGES … at least for now. People get a windfall. The DOD is stopped in its tracks. The MIC has to completely rethink and retool. And we can actually talk about things that matter to most Americans. The entire two-party duopoly gets turned on its head. Why? Because 99% of the establishment candidates from the two major parties will refuse to go along with this. They’ll fight it tooth, nail, cloak, dagger, go nuclear, go INSANE! I already know the kaka that they’ll be spewing. You do too. You hear it every time anybody wants to do something for THE PEOPLE of this country.

Listen, folks. We’ve got nothing to lose here. Here’s the worst case scenario . . .

Even if we don’t get our refund, if we got this in front of the public, if we got media to pay attention to this idea — and yes, if in 250 congressional races THIS was a big deal, it would be headline news on MSM —  for the first time in decades we’d be talking about the insanity and waste and lies surrounding the endless wars. We’d be talking about PEACE for a change! And maybe have a serious discussion about how truly screwed up the priorities are right now.

Please keep this thought front and center at all times: The Peace Dividend Project has a very specific goal. Stop the war machine before it destroys the country and possibly all life on the planet. Of course, I feel horrible for the people in Yemen and Iran and Venezuela and Cuba and all the other victims of U.S. military aggression and twisted foreign policies. But none of them are HERE in the belly of this horrible beast. None of them can vote. We start here and if we can stop the hate and lies inside our borders, we can start spreading the love and truth outside our borders. Maybe the world will forgive us our sins and we can get a fresh start.

By the way, if you want to join us and give us a little time and energy, just sign up here . . .


Join us in making the world safer and more peaceful.

The Never Ending Cycle of Nuclear Insanity

“We reap what we sow . . .”

Amidst all of the sensible and sane cries to eliminate nuclear weapons, we are caught in a self-sustaining, self-reinforcing feedback loop. Call it the Death Spiral of Human Annihilation.

Yes, the U.S. throughout its history, despite official denials even among historians who should know better — maybe they do but prefer being manufacturers of myth rather than chroniclers of history — has been territorial, possessive and aggressive. The Monroe Doctrine declared the entire Western hemisphere as America’s backyard. The U.S. was hardly shy about grabbing as much as it could from Spain at the end of the Spanish-American War, lands as far away as the Philippines. Through treaties and hard-headed diplomacy, it has effectively turned most European nations, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and Japan into vassal states, which promote and serve the interests of the U.S., including using their military assets and personnel to take to the battlefield in undeclared wars and provocations against those countries the U.S. perceives as enemies or obstacles to its imperial rule.

This is not particularly extraordinary or surprising. Competition defines and drives much of what goes on between countries, each nation vying for advantage and improvements in its own standing and accumulation, regardless of what hardships it might impose on other countries and their populations. Thus U.S. adventurism and colonization was pretty much business-as-usual for much of its history, as it was for every other ambitious nation on the rise.

However, beyond predictable overt aggressiveness, it was at the end of and immediately after WWII that a seismic change occurred in Washington DC that has elevated our country to become the “greatest purveyor of violence in the world” and propelled the entire planet toward the unstable, chaotic mess we now find ourselves in.

Politically there was the marginalization of Henry Wallace, and the installation of Harry Truman as president. Institutionally it was the creation of the extremely independent security organization, the CIA, as successor to the OSS (Office of Security Services). Programmatically, it was bringing 1600 Nazi scientists into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip. Economically, it was the continuation of a war economy and the expansion of the MIC — the military industrial complex — cementing in place the core elements of “forever war” even in times of peace. Dwight D. Eisenhower saw what was happening and in January 1961 warned the country of the dangers of this in his farewell speech.

The U.S. pursuit of empire and global hegemony now had the mechanisms, the funding, the know-how, the institutional momentum, the “right stuff”, to take the world stage. All of the toxic premises and preconditions were now circulating in the bloodstream of the military and diplomatic channels, a cocktail of pathogens for the madness that infected and captivated those in power, and still does to this day.

This virulence culminated in the 90s with the collapse of the Soviet Union. The U.S. turned its back on an unprecedented historical opportunity, the chance for peace and cooperation on a global scale, one that had the potential of initiating a millennium where wars were the rare exception, and the colonial power struggle paradigm would be consigned to history books. Instead it embraced the “end of history”, a baseless claim of ultimate superiority and entitlement based on America’s victory over the world’s only other superpower.

By the late 90s the U.S. pulled out all of the stops. It would leave no technology untapped, no opportunity unexploited, no promise or treaty unbroken, UN resolutions and world opinion be damned, international law deemed irrelevant. The trajectory we are now on was set in stone. It’s our way or bombs away.

Let’s not get distracted or deluded by claims of noble intent and appeals to the twisted logic of empire.

And our mental discipline starts with our never ever forgetting who started this mess. And thus who must take the lead in fixing it.

Dropping the atomic bombs on Japan sent a message to the world, particularly the Soviet Union.

“We have the ultimate weapon and we will use it. Don’t mess with us, don’t doubt our resolve, no one can stop us.”

The Soviet Union had no choice. Either develop a sufficient nuclear potential to counter that of the U.S. or be held hostage to bullying and coercion.

That unfortunate dynamic unleashed a nuclear arms race that at one point saw enough nuclear weaponry in the stockpiles of the U.S. and the USSR, to destroy the planet 50 times over. This madness has been tempered slightly with treaties but it’s still insanity by any rational measure. Russia and the U.S. still have over 13,000 nuclear weapons — much more powerful and “usable” than when they were at peak numerical levels — and other nuclear nations add another 1,125 to the mix. This is an improvement. The same improvement we could claim if a person only got shot 14 times instead of 50 times. The coroner’s work reconstructing the body for viewing might be a little easier. Should we count our blessings?

Listen, folks. It’s on us! Both the U.S. as a nation and the U.S. as citizens. There’s no passing the buck here, not when the survival of life on Earth is at stake.

Until the U.S. steps forward and leads the effort, nuclear warfare will always be with us. And annihilation of the human species will always hover over us as a real, increasingly probable result.

Moreover, please never forget: Those now in power will never backtrack on this suicidal course. It is what defines them, drives them. It’s as much a part of them as their hearts and brains and the void where their souls would be if they weren’t morally bankrupt, sociopathic mutants.

The only way we’ll have peace is if we REMOVE FROM POWER every single one of the warmongers.

No excuses. No compromise. No fear.

I recommend a massive awakening of 150-200 million U.S. citizens as to the personal costs of war, the inevitable product of: our military adventurism and expansion; our endless, unnecessary, illegal, immoral wars; our completely wasteful procurement of unneeded weapon systems, upgrading our nuclear arsenal, now putting weapons is space in violation of existing treaties; a commitment without the approval of the citizenry to “full- spectrum dominance”, i.e. world rule by an unchallengeable empire.

For decades the DOD and their rah-rah imperialists in office have had a blank check. And like anyone with a blank check, they’ve spent OUR MONEY with wild abandon. THIS is a strategy for defunding the military just enough so that it can properly defend our nation and its people, but no longer use everyday citizens as an ATM machine for its delusional, monomaniacal pursuit of hegemony over the entire planet. We the people never voted for this psychopathic agenda, one which smacks of master race conquest. THIS MECHANISM  will sufficiently drain the Treasury so that unnecessary DOD spending is impossible, and most importantly, extricate the crazies from the toxic dump they’ve turned our once-democratic institutions into.

Please repeat after me: No excuses. No compromise. No fear.

Trust Our Brilliant Leaders? Are You Joking?

We are now being treated to a predictable deluge of hand-wringing, grandstanding, virtue signaling, gaslighting, hysteria, pontificating and snide told-you-so commentary, most of it stating the obvious, most of it just repeating what we’ve known all along. Attacking Afghanistan was a big mistake. What a disaster! What an embarrassment! Our arrogant aggression and illegal retaliation against Afghanistan for 911 was WRONG WRONG WRONG!

Do you somehow feel more enlightened by this bilious bloviating?

I say: Enough with the smug finger-wagging, the weepy whining, the self-aggrandizing bellowing, the 24/7 autopsy of our disastrous 20 years in Afghanistan!

Here’s the real question we should be asking ourselves:  With what predictably unfolded there, why do we for even a split second trust the knuckleheads in charge of our military and foreign policy to handle anything going forward? Handle anything at all!

No question about it, there’s certainly a lot that needs handling. Serious challenges that need the immediate attention of informed, balanced, rational, honest, sane individuals, meaning thoughtful, scrupulous, patient, creative policymakers capable of finding optimal solutions which will avoid unnecessary conflict and serve the greater interests of humankind.

Instead we have no choice but to trust power-drunk, delusional, unhinged sociopaths to wrestle with new and ongoing crises. Do you really feel confident that Sleepy Joe, Kamala, our war-obsessed congressional leaders, and the rest of the buffoons in the State Department, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, CIA, NSA, FBI, and their mouthpieces in the media, can come up with anything sensible? Constructive? Positive? Solutions that will not further discredit our nation and humiliate us as citizens? Push the Doomsday Clock even closer to midnight? Accelerate the march to self-annihilation?

Here are some examples of what these incompetent fools are confronted with, much of it the result of their own prior and recurrent idiocy.

CRIMEA: Very recently, there was a conference called the Crimea Platform Summit. The premise, shaky at best, is that Russia forcefully annexed Crimea in 2014 and the world cannot allow this kind of thuggery to stand. The fact that in a referendum 95.5% of the people living in Crimea voted for reunification with Russia and that Crimea for most of its history was part of Russia somehow didn’t get mentioned. That Russia itself finds the whole matter non-negotiable was conveniently ignored. Ukraine must prepare for war! Save the 4.5% living under the boot heel of Putin’s tyranny! Mind you, the U.S. is supplying arms to the neo-Nazis now running the country. Gosh . . . it’s almost as if we WANT a war to start there.

POKING THE BEAR: This year has seen substantially more near incursions into Russian territory than last. These are not innocent joy rides but both reconnaissance flights and simulated bombing missions. They represent a dangerous and intimidating probing of Russian border defenses by fighter jets and nuclear bombers, as well as heavily-armed naval vessels, all “testing the defenses” of Russia. This is so brilliant, I’m tempted to find a skeet shooting range, run around with a bulls-eye painted on my chest, yelling “Na na na na na na! Go ahead, you pathetic losers, try to shoot me. Betcha can’t . . . betcha can’t!”

WAR GAMES: Such aerial and naval provocations go hand-in-hand with massive war games being conducted in countries neighboring Russia, sometimes right up to Russia’s actual borders. There’s no way to characterize these exercises other than preparation for war. If Russia were to be conducting war games in Canada and Mexico, including tens of thousands of troops, artillery, missile launchers, tanks, would the U.S. view it as innocent military exercises just to keep the boys sharp and give them something to do?

TAIWAN: Moving east — as Obama did with his Pivot to Asia — we have Taiwan. We’re arming them to the teethcruising battleships and aircraft carriers in The Taiwan Strait, the waters between Taiwan and mainland China, violating our own one-China policy, sending vague but portentous signals to Taiwanese separatist leaders that “We’ve got your back.” Is the U.S. seriously going to risk a world war over Taiwan? With insane, China-hating, chest-thumping, deranged exceptionalists pounding the war drums, I guess the question answers itself.

FONOPS SOUTH CHINA SEA: In the same tinderbox theater, under the pretext of freedom of navigation operations — FONOPs — we continue to taunt, dare, bluff, and browbeat China in the South China Seas. It’s arguably legal. So is jumping barefoot on a pile of broken wine bottles in the privacy of my kitchen. That doesn’t mean its prudent or in the least productive. It’s increasingly obvious that the U.S. is doing everything it can to militarily provoke China, hoping for an incident which will then be the excuse for launching the “inevitable war”. Military strategists — and with our phenomenal success in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, we know we know we can trust this brainy bunch — suggest the sooner the better. As time passes, China will be more capable of defending itself. We sure don’t want to screw this up. This is the BIG ONE! Lose to the Chinese? Inconceivable! By the way, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who I just interviewed for an article that will also appear here soon, says that — now pay close attention — every single war game simulation of a major armed conflict with China ends up in a nuclear war!  Need I say more about this insanity?

These are just the “big power” confrontations. The U.S. is of course still in Syria, Iraq, is poised for a war with North Korea and/or Iran, and has special operations — military and CIA personnel with military assets — in countless nations, none of which seems to ever make it into mainstream reporting. We’ve got somewhere around 800 bases of all shapes and sizes, our soldiers in faraway places always on alert and ready for action.

Let’s be clear. There’s no time out. Things are moving forward. That’s the inevitable trajectory of politics, both domestic and international. Yet the reality is, our record going back seven decades is abysmal! There is nothing positive or constructive to be found. Just countries and battlefields strewn with dead bodies, refugees, depleted uranium, land mines, and rubble.

This is what happens when you have delusional megalomaniacs making critical decisions about our place in the world and our relations with other countries.

We need to flush these war-obsessed, homicidal, demonstrably insane empire-builders out of power.

Let me start the list of people who NEED TO GO. We’re ultimately looking at numbers in the thousands. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR SUGGESTIONS. There are so many incompetent, psychopathic fools in key positions, I’m just one guy and I can’t keep track of them all. Here we go . . .

THE HIT LIST (a work in progress)

Joe Biden

Kamala Harris

Anthony Blinken

Lloyd Austin

Mark Milley

Victoria Nuland

Jan Psaki

Mitch McConnell

Nancy Pelosi

Ted Cruz

Adam Schiff

Joe Manchin

Chuck Schumer

Tom Cotton

Tom O’Halleran

Lou Correa

Jim Costa

Mike Thompson

Charlie Crist

Stephanie Murphy

Sanford Bishop

Carolyn Bourdeaux

David Scott

Ed Case

Brad Schneider

Jared Golden

Josh Gottheimer

Mikie Sherrill

Kurt Schrader

Jim Cooper

Henry Cuellar

Vicente Gonzalez

Abigail Spanberger

Doug Jones

Richard Shelby

Lisa Murkowski

Dan Sullivan

Martha McSally

Kyrsten Sinema

John Boozman

Dianne Feinstein

Michael Bennet

Cory Gardner

Richard Blumenthal

Christopher Murphy

Thomas Carper

Christopher Coons

Marco Rubio

Rick Scott

Kelly Loeffler

David Perdue

Mazie Hirono

Brian Schatz

Mike Crapo

James Risch

Tammy Duckworth

Richard Durbin

Todd Young

Joni Ernst

Chuck Grassley

Jerry Moran

Pat Roberts

Bill Cassidy

Susan Collins

Angus King

Benjamin Cardin

Chris Van Hollen

Gary Peters

Debbie Stabenow

Amy Klobuchar

Tina Smith

Cindy Hyde-Smith

Roger Wicker

Roy Blunt

Josh Hawley

Steve Daines

Jon Tester

Deb Fischer

Ben Sasse

Catherine Cortez Masto

Jacky Rosen

Maggie Hassan

Jeanne Shaheen

Bob Menendez

Martin Heinrich

Tom Udall

Richard Burr

Thom Tillis

Kevin Cramer

John Hoeven

Rob Portman

Jim Inhofe

James Lankford

Bob Casey

Pat Toomey

John Reed

Sheldon Whitehouse

Lindsey Graham

Tim Scott

Mike Rounds

John Thune

Lamar Alexander

Marsha Blackburn

John Cornyn

Tim Kaine

Mark Warner

Maria Cantwell

Mitt Romney

Patty Murray

Shelley Capito

Tammy Baldwin

Ron Johnson

John Barrasso

Michael Enzi

John Kirby

Then there are the mutant VIPs without current official appointments, who run amok spreading propaganda, promoting their deviant, deranged world view, and infecting others with their toxic agenda, while they wait for their next cushy government assignment. Do we let confirmed, unrepentant, unrehabilitated murderers, terrorists and rapists run around free? Some people are simply too dangerous to mix with decent human beings . . .

THE LOCK UP LIST (Guantanamo? Where do they keep people pending trial or a lobotomy?)

Mike Pompeo

John Bolton

Nikki Haley

Samantha Power

Susan Rice

Donald Trump

Frank McKenzie

Arne Duncan

Wesley Clark

Michael McFaul

Robert Kagan

Jared Kushner

Steve Bannon

Then there are scores of individuals who are a mixed bag, may or may not have committed prosecutable crimes, certainly have done their share of lying and flip-flopping, perhaps have done some good but also did a lot of damage, and are always capable of building on their past failures to inflict greater setbacks to the common good. Frighteningly, many of them still have the public completely fooled. This could be a very long list!

HONORARY MENTION LOCK UP LIST (We’re keeping an eye on you!)

Barack Obama

Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton

Bill Clinton

John Kerry

Liz Cheney


The Squad

George W Bush

Condoleezza Rice

Henry Kissinger

Dick Cheney

Jake Sullivan

Sidney Blumenthal

James Clapper

John Brennan

James Comey

Neera Tanden

Paul Krugman

Michael Hayden

Rachel Maddow

Chris Hayes

Bill Kristol

Bill Maher

Glenn Beck

Listen, folks. I know these lists are woefully incomplete. But I did my best on short notice. Now I’m counting on YOUR HELP! That’s why we have a comments section below. GO FOR IT!

John Rachel – September 7, 2021

$2.261 Trillion Fraud: Stay Tuned, They’re Just Getting Warmed Up

Well, we’re finally getting out of Afghanistan. That’s great news! But I have one question. Why did we go into Afghanistan in the first place? That was 20 YEARS AGO! You might think it was to catch Osama bin Laden. Well, folks, the Taliban offered to turn him over to us. But we bombed and attacked them anyway.

Here’s another question: Did you vote on starting a war in Afghanistan? I know I didn’t. We didn’t even vote through our congressman. Only Congress can declare war on a country and Congress never declared war on Afghanistan.

Here’s the real kicker: Do you know how much this war cost us? You and I, the taxpayers. Try $2.26 trillion and counting. Yes, according to Brown University’s Cost of War Project, that’s what the bill for that mess comes to. And that EXCLUDES future interest payments and future costs for veterans care.


Did you ask for this? I don’t remember the American public ever saying: “Great idea! Go and blow more than $2 trillion over there. Let our schools fall apart, our bridges and roads crumble, let the communities go bankrupt, but PLEASE spend ten or twenty years blowing up villages and killing innocent people with our money. Sounds like a swell plan!”

This is just the tip of the iceberg, folks. This is just ONE WAR. This is just a drop in the ocean of money wasted on endless wars and expansion of our bloated military.

Anyone remember something called the peace dividend? Yes, back in 1992 when the USSR fell apart, they said we were going to stop all the fighting. All that defense money would be now spent on making our lives better, our schools better, our communities better. This was the beginning of a new era.

Well, we haven’t stopped fighting since.

Isn’t it time to end this madness? How about some peace for a change?

Where’s our peace dividend?

By the way, if you want to join us and give us a little time and energy, just sign up here . . .

Join us in making the world safer and more peaceful!

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